Thursday 12 February 2009

Classification Morinda citrifolia Linn.

Kingdom : Plantae
Sub kingdom : Tracheobionta
Super division : Spermatophyta
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Subclass : Asteridae
Order : Rubiales
Family : Rubiaceae
Genus : Morinda
Species : Morinda citrifolia
Common Name/Vernacular Name : Noni (Hawaii and island of Polinesia)
Indian Mulberry (India)
Nono (Tahiti)
Lada (Guam)
Painkiller tree (Island of Caribbean)
Nhau (South East of Asia)
Cheesefruit (Australia)
Bumbo (Afrika)
Nonu (Tonga)
Ungcoikan (Myanmar)
Ach (Hindi)
Kura (Fiji)

There are three types of Mengkudu which are Morinda citrifolia Linn., Morinda elliptica Ridl., and Morinda umbellata Linn.. All of these species has their own value in many aspects such as traditional medicines, food products and so on.

Morphology and Biology Characteristics

The height can reached 35 feet or 10 metres. The flower are white in color. Their inflorencens occur through out the year. It can produced fruits all over the year. The leaf is dorsiventral and homogenous structures. The stomata are typically rubiaceous and the petiole are cylindrical shape and have small medulary strands. Their vessels are small and rays are narrow with 2 to 3 cells. Their leaf have crystal in raphid form.

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